Compañía Cuerpo de Indias
• Professional Nucleus of El Colegio del Cuerpo •

Directed by choreographers Álvaro Restrepo and Marie France Delieuvin, Compañía Cuerpo de Indias has been recognized as one of the emblematic proposals of Latin American contemporary dance in the world, having performed in the Americas, Europe, Asia, and Africa. A new identity of dance has emerged from the artistic vision of its directors and the diverse mixture of ethnic, cultural, socioeconomic, and artistic origins of the dancers. Some of them have been trained at eCdC since childhood; and some come from traditional folk dance, others from classical ballet, hip-hop and/or contemporary techniques.
Ana María Bermúdez, Gina Carrasquilla, Cristian Mogollón, Alexander Patrón, Camila Silva, Mauricio Suárez, Elías Bertel, Luana Díaz, Luis Adolfo Ortega..
Pieces of the repertoire
Creations conceived and created by Álvaro Restrepo
Espíritu de Pájaro (2022)
- Spirit of the Bird
Dos Volcanes (y un laberinto) (2019)
- Two Volcanoes (and one labyrinth) -
Animal family (2019)
sacrifiXio: la consagración de la Paz (2017)
- sacrifiXe: the rite of Peace -
Stabat Mater (2017)
And birds are still (La quietud de los pájaros) (2017)
INXILIO: El sendero de lágrimas (2010)
- INXILE: The trail of tears -
7 Visiones del Amén (2012)
-7 Visions of Amen -
Conception and Direction: Álvaro Restrepo
Choreography: Marie France Delieuvin / Álvaro Restrepo
palabrademar (2009)
- wordofthesea -
Cuarteto para el Fin del Cuerpo (2005)
- Quartet for the End of the Body -
El camino hambriento C.H.A.T. (2002)
- The famished road -
A Dios El Mar (2000)
Reconquista (1997)
- Reconquest -
Conception and Direction: Álvaro Restrepo
Choreography: Marie France Delieuvin / Álvaro Restrepo
Fr(ágil) ¿Por qué me pega? (2021)
Conception and Creation: Álvaro Restrepo/Marie-France Delieuvin
Choreography: Álvaro Restrepo / Marie-France Delieuvin /
Compañía Cuerpo de Indias
Flowers for Kazuo Ohno (and Leonard Cohen) (2014)
Conception and Creation: Álvaro Restrepo
Choreographers: Marie France Delieuvin / Álvaro Restrepo
/ Ricardo Bustamante
Creations Conceived and Directed by Marie-France Delieuvin
Coronadas (2018)
- The Crowned -
Mar Adentro (2010)
- Sea Inside -
FUEGOS (Feux) (2011)
- FIRES - (Feux)
El otro apóstol (2006)
- The other apostle -